From July 7 to 9, 2021, the three-day's 2021 Shanghai International Electronic Circuit Exhibition(CPCA) was concluded in Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center. CPCA is the authoritative electronic circuit exhibition in China, with 705 exhibitors from the United States, Japan, the Britain, Germany, France, South Korea, Israel, Singapore and so on. The number of participants reached 57,024. The exhibition with the theme of "leading the new era of intelligent manufacturing", attracted higher-ups and technical elites from the circuit board industry to gather here. The vision of SGC is "to be the leader of green intelligent manufacturing of high-precision electronic circuits", and our mission is "to be innovation-driven and value-connected", which not only shows the electronic products of communication, industrial control, medicine, automobile, semiconductor integrated circuit and other fields, but also reflects that SGC provides high-end technology and highly reliable products and services for the continuous innovation and development of electronic technology.